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Oceania Masters
Throws Pentathlon

The Throws Pentathlon consists of five separate events with grading tables used to convert individual event performances to points. The athlete that accumulates the most points wins.

The events contested are all five of the throw events: hammer, discus, shot put, javelin and weight throw.

No results are available prior to 1992.

National association holding athlete registration at time of competition is indicated by country code:

  • AU - Australia

  • CK - Cook Islands

  • FJ - Fiji

  • FP - French Polynesia

  • NC - New Caledonia

  • NFK - Norfolk Island

  • NMI - Northern Mariana Islands

  • NZ - New Zealand

  • PNG - Papua New Guinea

  • SAM - Samoa

  • SOL - Solomon Islands

  • TO - Tonga

  • WF -Wallis & Futuna

Performances by guest athletes from outside Oceania are marked [IE].

Oceania Championship Records from Oceania Athletics as at September 2019. NZ Records from NZ Masters Athletics as at 16 February 2023. Wellington Records as at 7 May 2023.

Note 1: age factor points tables were updated by World Masters in 2010, revised again in 2015 and 2023. The points quoted are the original points from the published results at that time.

Note 2: The javelin was redesigned for women in 1999 to reduce the distances the implement could travel. Additionally, in 2014 the W60-70 javelin underwent a change from 400gm to 500gm. These changes necessitated the segregation of previous records.  Modifications in design (using holes, rough paint or dimples to increase tail draft) were outlawed at the end of 1991 and related records reset.

Note 3: the Wellington records have not been recalculated yet.

Note 4: the NZ Records have been taken from the NZMA record appendices and are a work in progress. There are likely some corrections before the final results are published.

Note 5: Records marked + require recalculation to 2015 factors. Records marked * require the individual event performances to be located to allow the recalculation to 2015 factors.

  M35 W35
CR 3117 - Ricard Meiring (AU) 2014 4056* - Chris Schultz (AU) 1990
[Old Javelin}
NZ Rec 2882 - Michael Scholten (2016) 3183 - Deborah McCaw (2015)
WLG Rec 3265* - H Smith 2541 - Nicole Maquet (2013)
2019 1780 - Kholan Hayes (AU)
1650 - Tim Johnstone (AU)
1245 - James Stewart (AU)
2109 - Amanda Wright (AU)
1734 - Dash Newington [IE]
1728 - Cathryn Hoare (AU)
no third place
2018 not contested 2092 - Fionnula Connors (AU)
1472 - Paula Cotter (NZ)
no third place
2015 2210 - Ezekiel Rangi (SOL)
no second or third place
1973 - Fionnula Connors (AU)
1435 - Lee Grieve (NZ)
no third place
2014 3117 - Ricard Meiring (AU)
3017 - Jamie Muscat (AU)
2478 - Shane Benbow (AU)
1575 - Cassie Neubauer (AU)
850 - Vanessa Beddie (AU)
no third place
2012 3090 - Matt Staunton (AU)
2123 - Clayton Campodonico (AU)
1420 - Chris Timewell (AU)
954 - Vanessa Beddie (AU)
no second or third place
2010 not contested not contested
2008 2015 - Clayton Campodonico (AU)
1976 - Rodney Franke (AU)
no third place
2871 - Lynette Smith (AU)
no second or third place
2006 2583 - Rene Otto (NZ)
no second or third place
2321 - Lynette Smith (AU)
no second or third place
2004 not contested not contested
2002 not contested 3684 - Jayne Hardy (AU)
2263 - Sandra Howorth (AU)
no third place
2000 2267 - Geoff Gardner (AU)
no second or third place
not contested
1998 not contested Old model javelin:
2563 - Sharon Clayton (AU)

no second or third place
1996 3768 - S Lakafia (NC)
no second or third place
not contested
1994 not contested not contested
1992 2133 - Clyde Riddoch (AU)
2024 - Max Steven (NFK)
= Barry Mullins (AU)
Old model javelin:
2864 - D Strange (NZ)
2282 - Diana Murray (NZ)
1693 - Nao Leana (PNG)
  M40 W40
CR 3769* - Frederic Cassier (NC) 1992 3877 - Jayne Hardy (AU) 2006
NZ Rec 3418 - Arno van der Westhuizen (2021) 2838 - Kim Blackwood (2016)
WLG Rec 2274* - Laurence Voight 2198* - Michelle Ward (2011)
2019 3459 - Jamie Muscat (AU)
2041 - Rene Doel (AU)
1823 - Shaun Peel (AU)
2237 - Rebecca Austin (AU)
1989 - Nicole Simmonds (AU)
1982 - Pauline McCallum (AU)
2018 not contested 2163 - Toni Oudemans (NZ)
2089 - Michelle Bitcheno (NZ)
1565 - Lee Grieve (NZ)
2015 not contested not contested
2014 2960 - Lyndon Best (AU)
2381 - Rodney Watson (AU)
no third place
2934 - Althea Mackie (AU)
2915 - Lynette Smith (AU)
2632 - Brenda Davis (NZ)
2012 2737 - Gilles Valdenaire (FP)
2006 - Aaron Bonney (AU)
1840 - David Sexton (NZ)
2777 - Althea Mackie (NZ)
2638 - Kathleen De Wolf [IE}
2541 - Brenda Davis (NZ)
2320 - Michelle Ward (NZ)
2010 2227 - Aaron Bonney (AU)
no second or third place
2120 - Althea Mackie (NZ)
no second or third place
2008 3378 - Stuart Gyngell (AU)
2757 - Rene Otto (NZ)
2218 - Aaron Bonney (AU)
3998 - Christine McCahill (NZ)
3403 - Kathleen Newman (AU)
2512 - Kristin Henricks (AU)
2006 3024 - Philip Frkovic (AU)
2522 - Wayne Doyle (NZ)
1544 - Dave Rondon (NZ)
4179 - Jayne Hardy (AU)
3944 - Christine McCahill (NZ)
no third place
2004 1144 - Mark Sarginson (CK)
no second or third place
4079 - Jayne Hardy (AU)
2090 - Rosemary Clarke (AU)
1932 - Roxann Callcott (AU)
2002 2225 - John Donnellan (AU)
1059 - Ganga Prasad (AU)
no third place
3302 - Sharon Gibbins (AU)
2560 - Denise Phillips (NZ)
no third place
2000 2161 - Barry Mullins (AU)
1902 - Max Steven (NFK)
no third place
1711 - Melanie Watson (NZ)
no second or third place
1998 2989 - Joseph Bradley (NZ)
2474 - George McNie (NZ)
2094 - Clyde Riddoch (AU)
Old model javelin:
1614 - Jocelyn Hurring (NZ)

no second or third place
1996 not contested Old model javelin:
1630 - Jocelyn Hurring (NZ)

no second or third place
1994 3005 - Dennis Rastovich (AU)
2558 - Clyde Riddoch (AU)
no third place
Old model javelin:
3924 - Christine Schultz (AU)
2460 - Heather Steer (NZ)
2267 - Philippa Edwards (NZ)
1992 3769 - Frederic Cassier (NC)
no second or third place
Old model javelin:
3060 - Heather Steer (NZ)
2500 - Beverly Church (NZ)
2305 - Ligieta Wakaciri (NFK)
  M45 W45
CR 3729 - Todd Davey AUS (2015) 4355* - Chris Schultz (AU) 1998
[Old Javelin}
NZ Rec 3915 - Arno van der Westhuizen (2022) 3706 - Christine McCahill (2010)
WLG Rec 2540* - Geoff Guenole 2486 - Michelle Scriven  (2018)
2019 2897 - Rodney Watston (AU)
1816 - Cameron Burrows (AU)
no third place
3054 - Althea  Mackie (AU)
1909 - Fiona Black (NZ)
1882 - Natalie Lorraway (AU)
2018 not contested 3165 - Althea Mackie (AU)
2430 - Michelle Scriven (NZ))
2298 - Karen Dunlea (NZ)
2015 3729 - Todd Davey (AU)
2601 - Laini Inivale (NZ)
no third place
3348 - Althea Mackie (AU)
3313 - Brenda Davis (NZ)
2002 - Sybil Heke (NZ)
2014 3053 - Todd Davey (AU)
no second or third place
876 - Lisa Minchin (AU)
no second or third place
2012 3218 - Mark Cumming (NZ)
3143 - Rene Otto (NZ)
no third place
3782 - Jayne Hardy (AU)
2890 - Glenys Whitehead (AU)
2530 - Sandra Bordes (FP)
2010 not contested 3673 - Jayne Hardy (AU)
2133 - Mona Henderson (CK)
no third place
2008 2165 - Mark Cepak (AU)
2161 - Simon Butler-White (AU)
no third place
4312 - Jayne Hardy (AU)
2272 - Lesley Dawson (AU)
2263 - Karel McClintock (AU)
2006 2843 - Mark Flaus (NZ)
2018 - Andrew Atkinson-Howatt (AU)
no third place
3750 - Sharon Gibbins (AU)
no second or third place
2004 2282 - Barry Mullins (AU)
no second or third place
3408 - Janice Maxwell (NZ)
2785 - Winifred Harding (NZ)
2608 - Sharon Gibbins (AU)
2002 2345 - Clyde Riddoch (AU)
no second or third place
1869 - Sue Williams (AU)
no second or third place
2000 3391 - Frederic Cassier (NC)
no second or third place
4059 - Christine Schultz (AU)
1466 - Aline Martin (AU)
1213 - Joy Marsh (AU)
1998 2752 - Frederic Cassier (NC)
2656 - Daniel Josien (NC)
2260 - Cameron Murch (NZ)
Old model javelin:
4355 - Christine Schultz (AU)
2762 - Jill Evans (NZ)
2589 - Heather Steer (NZ)
1996 3211 - Cameron Murch (NZ)
3093 - D Josien (NCL)
no third place
Old model javelin:
4186 - Christine Schultz (AU)
2292 - Beverley Church (NZ)

no third place
1994 2606 - Cameron Murch (NZ)
1513 - Glen Church (NZ)
no third place
Old model javelin:
2650 - Beverly Church (NZ)
2554 - Rhondda Dundas (AU)
2097 - Sharon Reynolds (AU)
1992 3056 - Didier Poppe (NC)
2976 - Jean Henri Saint-Germain (NC)
2558 - Graeme McColl (NZ)
Old model javelin:
3541 - Beverley Savage (NZ)
3436 - Mary Thomas (AU)

no third place
  M50 W50
CR 4192 - Stuart Gyngell (AU) 2015 4116 - Chris Schultz (AU) 2002
NZ Rec 3500 - Mark Cumming (2013) 4021 - Raylene Bates (2016)
WLG Rec 3206 - Adrian Stockill (2019) 2577 - Theresa Bartlett (2021)
2019 3209 - Laini Inivale (NZ)
3188 - Kevin Galea (AU)
3014 - Adrian Stockill (NZ)
3424 - Brenda Davis (NZ)
2553 - Leanne Hilton (AU)
1902 - Suzie Gaynor (AU)
2018 2905 - Laini Inivale (NZ)
2759 - Wayne Doyle (NZ)
1854 - Grant Gerken (NZ)
3136 - Tania Hodges (NZ)
3131 - Tina Ryan (NZ)
2572 - Vivienne Harvey (NZ)
2015 4192 - Stuart Gyngell (AU)
2334 - Andrew Ward (AU)
no third place
3852 - Jayne Hardy (AU)
3432 - Caroline Layt (AU)
2076 - Mona Henderson (CK)
2014 4049 - Stuart Gyngell (AU)
2924 - Mark Flaus (NZ)
2351 - Peter Wrzuszczak (AU)
2093 - Sharon Barr (AU)
1655 - Christine Dell (AU)
no third place
2012 2491 - Hans Barnard (NZ)
2267 - Barry Mullins (AU)
2060 - Neal Tait (NZ)
2818 - Fiona Harvey (NZ)
2641 - Wendy Hord (AU)
2634 - Denise Phillips (NZ)
2010 2121 - Barry Mullins (AU)
no second or third place
3360 - Sharon Gibbins (AU)
2652 - Jill Taylor (AU)
1808 - Takau Moekaas (CK)
2008 3044 - Lajos Joni (AU)
3037 - Joseph Bradley (NZ)
2921 - Andrew Atkinson-Howatt (AU)
3701 - Sharon Gibbins (AU)
3120 - Winifred Harding (NZ)
2495 - Heather Saltzer (AU)
2006 3211 - Joe Bradley (NZ)
2773 - Lajos Joni (AU)
no third place
2749 - Winnifred Harding (NZ)
1909 - Birgit Steltner (NZ)
1611 - Noela Avery (AU)
2004 2605 - Jos Pols (NZ)
no second or third place
3805 - Christine Schultz (AU)
3635 - Denise Palmer (AU)
2411 - Brenda McDowell (AU)
2002 3632 - Bob Banens (AU)
3479 - Erik Hedendahl (AU)
2872 - Jos Pols (NZ)
4198 - Christine Schultz (AU)
2953 - Judy Corams (AU)
2761 - Elizabeth Szczepanska (AU)
2000 3029 - Daniel Josien (NC)
2752 - Peter Clark (AU)
2241 - Mike Sharkey (NFK)
3163 - Judy Coram (AU)
3052 - Jill Evans (NZ)
2940 - Beverley Church (NZ)
1998 3493 - Ray Green (AU)
3009 - Phillip Cox (NZ)
2169 - Rob Young (AU)
Old model javelin:
4049 - Mary Thomas (AU)
3382 - Beverley Savage (NZ)
2988 - Raylea Rudov (AU)
1996 1942 - Glen Church (NZ)
1643 - R Nerac (FP)
798 - P Buisson (FP)
Old model javelin:
3220 - Mary Thomas (AU)
2063 - R Rooney (NZ)
1705 - D Underwood (NZ)
1994 3439 - John Reynolds (NZ)
2795 - Lepani Waitawa (NZ)
2500 - Gordon Love (NZ)
Old model javelin:
3828 - Mary Thomas (AU)
2515 - Glen Watts (NZ)
2164 - Raewyn Rooney (NZ)
1992 2870 - Lepani Waitawa (NZ)
2866 - Brian Senior (NZ)
2782 - Gordon Love (NZ)
Old model javelin:
3916 - Helen Searle (AU)
2191 - Val Babe (NZ)

no third place
  M55 W55
CR 3617 - Ray Green (AU) 2002 4596* - Helen Searle (AU) 1996
[Old Javelin}
NZ Rec 3649 - Mark Cumming (2017) 3417 - Anne Goulter (2017)
WLG Rec 3169 - Adrian Stockill (2022) 2229 - Veronica Gould (2008)
2019 2790 - Robert Clark (AU)
2503 - Andrew Ward (AU)
2426 - Geoff Gardner (NFK)
3910 - Jayne Hardy (AU)
3140 - Nicki Townsend (AU)
2241 - Mona Henderson (CK)
2018 2792 - Robert Clark (AU)
2786 - Mark Flaus (NZ)
no third place
2872 - Wendy Hord (AU)
2774 - Fiona Harvey (NZ)
2531 - Narelle Messerle (AU)
2015 2693 - Peter Wrzuszczak (AU)
2372 - John Parker (AU)
2057 - Martin Crowe (AU)
3141 - Alison Newall (NZ)
no second or third place
2014 3156 - Robert Hanbury-Brown (AU)
3005 - Andrew Atkinson-Howatt (AU)
2866 - Stan Peska (AU)
3141 - Jill Taylor (AU)
no second or third place
2012 3476 - Robert Hanbury-Brown (AU)
3387 - Andrew Atkinson-Howatt (AU)
2436 - Anthony Baker (AU)
3057 - Jill Taylor (AU)
2975 - Joanne Pronk (AU)
1995 - Adriana Van Bockel (AU)
2010 2573 - Anthony Baker (AU)
2292 - Ringar Hourna (NC)
no third place
1734 - Teraimateata Hill (CK)
1721 - Birgit Steltner (NZ)
no third place
2008 3528 - Bob Banens (AU)
3234 - Richard Davison (NZ)
3186 - Mark Johnston (AU)
3372 - Denise Palmer (AU)
3251 - Christine Schultz (AU)
2696 - Beverley Church (NZ)
2006 3754 - Bob Banens (AU)
3284 - Richard Davison (NZ)
3233 - Cameron Murch (NZ)
3953 - Christine Schultz (AU)
3117 - Judy Coram (AU)
2841 - Heather Steer (NZ)
2004 3205 - Cameron Murch (NZ)
2640 - Bob Banens (AU)
1954 - Selwyn Hawken (AU)
3325 - Rhondda Dundas (AU)
3090 - Beverley Church (NZ)
2965 - Trish Thomas (AU)
2002 3967 - Ray Green (AU)
3228 - John Reynolds (AU)
3203 - Peter Clark (AU)
4011 - Mary Thomas (AU)
2291 - Lynn Donaldson (NZ)
no third place
2000 3042 - Kevin Bradley (NZ)
2767 - Don Quinn (AU)
2640 - Robert Young (AU)
4482 - Mary Thomas (AU)
3428 - Rhondda Dundas (AU)
3407 - Raylea Rudov (AU)
1998 3247 - Michael Katmadas (AU)
2819 - Keith James (AU)
2566 - Gordon Love (NZ)
Old model javelin::
3328 - Val Hood (NZ)
2731 - Glen Watts (NZ)
2517 - Valerie Babe (NZ)
1996 3309 - Michael Katmadas (AU)
2364 - R Skuse (NZ)
1824 - A Hunter (NZ)
Old model javelin:
4596 - Helen Searle (AU)
2755 - G Seymon (AU)
2602 - V Babe (NZ)
1994 2651 - Oskar Kruger (NZ)
1662 - Alan Hunter (NZ)
no third place
Old model javelin:
2629 - Valerie Babe NZ)
2439 - Iris Bishop (NZ)
1995 - Margarita Jekabson (AU)
1992 3412 - Laurie Devlin (NZ)
2842 - Arvo Ropelin (AU)
1595 - Jeffrey Whittam (AU)
Old model javelin:
3278 - Miriam Stanley (NZ)
3030 - Gloria Seymon (AU)
2981 - Dorothy Whittam (AU)
  M60 W60
CR 3896 - Graeme Rose (AU) 2008 4443 - Dorn Jenkins (AU) 2015
NZ Rec 3690 - James Thomas (2019) 3405 - Aggie Boxall (2019)
WLG Rec 3072* - Vic Marks no record
2019 3434 - James Thomas (NZ)
no second or third place
3601 - Jill Taylor (AU)
3579 - Sharon Gibbins (AU)
3543 - Aggie Boxall (NZ)
2018 3080 - Thomas Gravestock (AU)
2200 - David Lee (AU)
no third place
3305 - Jill Taylor (AU)
2975 - Elleba Cubban (AU)
no third place
2015 not contested 4443 - Dorn Jenkins (AU)
3644 - Jill Taylor (AU)
2524 - Takau Moekaa (CK)
2014 2898 - Bob Banens (AU)
2201 - John Neale (AU)
1675 - John West (AU)
3279 - Christine Schultz (AU)
2928 - Kate Clarke (AU)
2177 - Linley Bowyer (AU)
2012 2645 - Bob Banens (AU)
2324 - Jos Pols (NZ)
1044 - Robert Hannan (NZ)
old javelin weight:
3305 - Christine Schultz (AU)
2910 - Wilma Perkins (AU)
2870 - Jill Evans (NZ)
2010 3177 - Bob Banens (AU)
no second or third place
old javelin weight:
3143 - Beverley Hamilton (AU)
3005 - Jill Evans (NZ)
1816 - Lorraine Mussett (AU)
2008 4167 - Graeme Rose (AU)
3396 - Ray Green (AU)
3255 - Phillip Cox (NZ)
old javelin weight:
3749 - Mary Thomas (AU)
3591 - Rhondda Dundas (AU)
3072 - Beverley Hamilton (AU)
2006 3996 - Ray Green (AU)
3225 - Phillip Cox (NZ)
3217 - Kevin Bradley (NZ)
old javelin weight:
4063 - Janice Banens (AU)
3404 - Roylea Rudov (AU)
3303 - Patricia Thomas (AU)
2004 4142 - Ray Green (AU)
3617 - Bob Watson (AU)
3352 - Kevin Bradley (NZ)
old javelin weight:
4177 - Mary Thomas (AU)
3742 - Jan Davies (AU)
3241 - Raylea Rudov (AU)
2002 4173 - Keith James (AU)
3377 - Billy Binks (AU)
3357 - Ken Readwin (AU)
4old javelin weight:
750 - Helen Searle (AU)
4045 - Jan Davies (AU)
2824 - Clarine Scratton (NZ)
2000 3948 - Tom Hancock (AU)
3721 - Mike Katmadas (AU)
3598 - Laurie Devlin (NZ)
old javelin weight:
5117 - Helen Searle (AU)
3217 - Valerie Worrell (AU)
3118 - Joyce Schmidt (AU)
1998 3633 - Laurie Devlin (NZ)
3419 - Barry Rait (NZ)
3037 - Pacifico Gatti (AU)
Old model and weight javelin:
2845 - Clarine Scratton (NZ)
2235 - Jean Thew (AU)
2230 - Iris Bishop (NZ)
1996 2889 - Pacifico Gatti (AU)
2339 - K White (AU)
no third place
Old model and weight javelin:
2826 - Colleen Brunker (NZ)
2557 - Iris Bishop (NZ)
2434 - Jean Thew (AU)
1994 2943 - Richard Harris (NZ)
2713 - Cecil Scott (NZ)
2644 - Charlie Bishop (NZ)
Old model and weight javelin:
3755 - Miriam Stanley (NZ)
2975 - Ngawini Pepene (NZ)
2737 - Gladys McKeown (NZ)
1992 3753 - Graeme Lawless (NZ)
2653 - Charles Bishop (NZ)
no third place
Old model and weight javelin:
2858 - Ngawini Pepene (NZ)

no second or third place
  M65 W65
CR 4076 - Tom Hancock (AU) 2002 4361 - June Lowe (AU) 2019
NZ Rec 3910 - James Thomas (2023) 3449 - Bev Savage (2015)
WLG Rec 2925* - Vic Marks no record
2019 3173 - Wayne Fielder (AU)
2854 - Lester Laughton (NZ)
1227 - Frank Prowse (AU)
4361 - June Lowe (AU)
2591 - Narantsetseg Galsandorj [IE]
2449 - Jacqui Walton (AU)
2067 - Rosemary Kopittke (AU)
2018 3178 - Oswald Igel (AU)
2973 - Lester Laughton (NZ)
2868 - Mark Wyndham-Jones [IE]
2820 - Tuariki Delamere (NZ)
3089 - Wilma Perkins (AU)
2673 - Beverley Church (NZ)
2138 - Shirley Rolston (NZ)
2015 3437 - Bob Banens (AU)
3373 - Richard Davison (NZ)
3043 - Peter Young (AU)
3296 - Beverley Hamilton (AU)
2813 - Beverley Church (NZ)
1924 - Alison Wright (NZ)
2014 3026 - Peter Young (AU)
2646 - John Reynolds (AU)
1973 - Viddy Jermacans (AU)
3651 - Mary Thomas (AU)
3300 - Beverley Hamilton (AU)
3278 - Rhondda Dundas (AU)
2012 3106 - Peter Young (AU)
3069 - Phillip Cox (NZ)
2910 - Kevin Bradley (NZ)
old javelin weight:
3546 - Rhonda Dundas (AU)
3538 - Beverley Hamilton (AU)
3331 - Barbara Austin (NZ)
2010 3752 - Ray Green (AU)
2977 - Kevin Brandley (NZ)
2789 - John Reynolds (AU)
old javelin weight:
3721 - Rhonda Dundas (AU)
3659 - Janice Banens (AU)

no third place
2008 3905 - Keith James (AU)
3169 - Kevin Blewitt (AU)
2674 - Roy Skuse (NZ)
old javelin weight:
4102 - Jan Banens (AU)
3690 - Raylea Rudov (AU)
3276 - Glen Watts (NZ)
2006 3471 - Brian Senior (NZ)
3283 - Robin Herron [IE]
2775 - Ken Daniels (AU)
2598 - Bryan Slattery (NZ)
old javelin weight:
5387 - Helen Searle (AU)
3439 - Glen Watts (NZ)
2956 - Clarine Scratton (NZ)
2004 4305 - Tom Hancock (AU)
3758 - Laurie Devlin (NZ)
2764 - Mie Katmadas (AU)
old javelin weight:
5399 - Helen Searle (AU)
3556 - Joyce Schimdt (AU)
3130 - Valerie Hood (NZ)
2002 4538 - Tom Hancock (AU)
4057 - Laurie Devlin (NZ)
3968 - Wim Van Weenen (AU)
old javelin weight:
2427 - Jean Thew (NZ)

no second or third place
2000 3368 - Kevin White (AU)
2743 - Ron Johnson (NZ)
2704 - Kerry Thew (AU)
old javelin weight:
3270 - Mary Wahren (AU)
3244 - Ngawini Pepene (NZ)
3102 - Colleen Brunker (NZ)
1998 3045 - Cecil Scott (NZ)
3028 - Ron Johnson (NZ)
3008 - Charlie Deacon (NZ)
Old model and weight javelin:
2955 - Ngawini Pepene (NZ)
2778 - Colleena Blair (NZ)
2760 - Gladys McKeown (AU)
1996 3148 - Arthur Grayburn (NZ)
2897 - Charles Bishop (NZ)
no third place
Old model and weight javelin:
3319 - Ngawini Pepene (NZ)
2799 - J Jacobs(NZ)
2740 - Colleena Blair (NZ)
1994 3235 - Arthur Grayburn (NZ)
no second or third place
Old model and weight javelin:
2702 - Daphne Cuthbertson (NZ)

no second or third place
1992 4284 - Charlie Rann (AU)
3287 - Jack King (NZ)
2193 - Russell Foy(AU)
Old model and weight javelin:
2844 - Audrey Williams (NZ)
1804 - Mavis Gibbs (AU)

no third place
  M70 W70
CR 4356* - Sam Johnson (NZ) 1992 4377 - Mary Thomas (AU) 2015
NZ Rec 3400 - Brian Senior (2011) 3681 - Barbara Austin (2015)
WLG Rec 2512 - Richard Harris (2006) 2271 - Veronica Gould (2020)
2019 3547 - Bob Holzer (AU)
3460 - Bob Banens (AU)
3209 - Rick Davison (NZ)
3539 - Gillia Evans (NZ)
3320 - Beverley Hamilton (AU)
3246 - Beverley Savage (NZ)
2018 3184 - Peter Young (AU)
2541 - Didimo Tonelli (AU)
2298 - Ivan Sobotka [IE]
1583 - Glen Church (NZ)
3734 - Mary Thomas (AU)
3083 - Noni Callander (NZ)
2306 - Alison Wright (NZ)
2015 2770 - Ivan Sobotka [IE]
2418 - Didimo Tonelli (AU)
2174 - Rob Young (AU)
no third place
4377 - Mary Thomas (AU)
3812 - Barbara Austin (NZ)
3786 - Janice Banens (AU)
2014 3256 - Guy Quarterman (AU)
2828 - Ivan Sobotka [IE]
2597 - Didimo Tonelli (AU)
no third place
3721 - Jan Banens (AU)
3423 - Helen Searle (AU)
2296 - Justine Whitaker (NZ)
2012 4101 - Keith James (AU)
3603 - Guy Quarterman (AU)
3448 - Brian Senior (NZ)
old javelin weight:
4048 - Janice Banens (AU)
3402 - Helen Searle (AU)
3077 - Glen Watts (NZ)
2010 3178 - Brian Senior (NZ)
2511 - Donald Chambers (AU)
1541 - Alan Hunter (NZ)
old javelin weight:
3353 - Glen Watts (NZ)
2587 - Barbara Bird (NZ)

no third place
2008 4143 - Thomas Hancock (AU)
2952 - Cec Beesley (AU)
2522 - Donald Chambers (AU)
old javelin weight:
3470 - Valerie Worrell (AU)
3233 - Joyce Schmidt (AU)
3198 - Patrica Drayton (NZ)
2006 3959 - Laurie Devlin (NZ)
3356 - Arvo Ropelin (AU)
3324 - Ronald Johnson (NZ)
old javelin weight:
3672 - Valerie Worrell (AU)
3595 - Patrica Drayton (NZ)
3395 - Colleen Brunker (NZ)
2004 3197 - Arvo Ropelin (AU)
2718 - Charlie Bishop (NZ)
2528 - Kerry Thew (AU)
old javelin weight:
3388 - Mary Wahren (AU)
3158 - Colleen Brunker (NZ)
2908 - Glad McKeown (AU)
2002 3177 - Arthur Grayburn (NZ)
2683 - Harry Wynhoven (AU)
2120 - Russell Grigg (AU)
old javelin weight:
3323 - Ngawini Pepene (NZ)

no second or third place
2000 3983 - Rudi Hochreiter (AU)
3224 - Arthur Grayburn (NZ)
no third place
old javelin weight:
3018 - Beryl Vine (NZ)

no second or third place
1998 3920 - Feliks Jekabsons (AU)
3487 - Arthur Grayburn (NZ)
3394 - David Leech (NZ)
Old model and weight javelin:
2669 - Audrey Williams (NZ)
1610 - Pamela Spiers (NZ)

no third place
1996 4145 - Feliks Jekabsons (AU)
3756 - R Foy (AU)
no third place
not contested
1994 3873 - Feliks Jekabsons (AU)
3149 - Max Carr (NZ)
no third place
Old model and weight javelin:
3607 - Gwen Davidson (AU)

no second or third place
1992 4356 - Sam Johnson (NZ)
2823 - Ted Vickers (AU)
no third place
Old model and weight javelin:
1957 - Mary Vickers (AU)

no second or third place
  M75 W75
CR 3682* - Dave Scratton (NZ) 1998 4312 - Mary Thomas (AU) 2019
NZ Rec 3786 - Brian Senior (2016) 3842 - Colleen Brunker (2011)
WLG Rec 3307* - P Popa 2524 - Colleena Blair (2006)
2019 3559 - Arie Delaite (AU)
3525 - Ray Green (AU)
2899 - Didimo Tonelli (AU)
4312 - Mary Thomas (AU)
4045 - Jeanette Williamson (AU)
3723 - Jan Banens (AU)
2018 1849 - Roy Skuse (NZ)
no second or third place
3655 - Glen Watts (NZ)
3443 - Justine Whitaker (NZ)
no third place
2015 2157 - Kana Nathan (AU)
no second or third place
3735 - Glen Watts (NZ)
2254 - Barbara Bird (NZ)
1876 - Gwynneth Heseltine (NZ)
2014 2608 - Donald Chambers (AU)
2569 - Kana Nathan (AU)
no third place
3054 - Valerie Worrell (AU)
2829 - Patricia Drayton (NZ)
2381 - Gwynneth Heseltine (NZ)
2012 2484 - Arvo Ropelin (AU)
2286 - Ray Laurie (NZ)
1845 - Kerry Thew (AU)
3979 - Heather Doherty (AU)
3694 - Valerie Worrell (AU)
3056 - Patricia Drayton (NZ)
2010 2723 - Arvo Ropelin (AU)
2391 - Jim Blair (NZ)
no third place
3545 - Valerie Worrell (AU)
no second or third place
2008 3343 - Arvo Ropelin (AU)
2965 - Cornell Vena (AU)
2931 - John McClelland (AU)
4202 - Heather Doherty (AU)
3128 - Colleena Blair (NZ)
2921 - Glad McKeown (AU)
2006 3572 - Graeme Lawless (NZ)
3137 - Bill Newtown (NZ)
3093 - Charlie Bishop (NZ)
3552 - Ngawini Pepene (NZ)
3336 - Colleena Blair (NZ)
2294 - Shirley Brasher (AU)
2004 2778 - Arthur Grayburn (NZ)
no second or third place
not contested
2002 3567 - Jim Peridis (AU)
2634 - Ken Knox (AU)
2612 - Stan Stankovic (AU)
2444 - Shirley Brasher (AU)
no second or third place
2000 3591 - Aivars Pavulins (AU)
3167 - Stojan Stankovic (AU)
2483 - Roy Williams (NZ)
2107 - Mary Vickers (AU)
no second or third place
1998 3582 - Dave Scratton (NZ)
3180 - Max Carr (NZ)
2396 - Roy Williams (NZ)
Old model javelin:
2098 - Rona Smith (NZ)

no second or third place
1996 3664 - Dave Scratton (NZ)
no second or third place
not contested
1994 not contested not contested
1992 not contested not contested
  M80 W80
CR 3539 - Feliks Jakabsons (AU) 2006 4108 - Heather Doherty (AU) 2014
NZ Rec 4323 - Brian Senior (2021) 3836 - Glen Watts (2021)
WLG Rec 3089 - Jim Blair (2011) no record
2019 not contested 4579 - Tserendolgor Tumurbat [IE]
not contested
2018 1867 - Alan Hunter (NZ)
1508 - George Simons (AU)
no third place
3096 - Valerie Worrell (AU)
2142 - Patricia Drayton (NZ)
1889 - Iris Bishop (NZ)
2015 not contested 2657 - Patricia Drayton (NZ)
no second or third place
2014 2384 - Max McKay (AU)
no second or third place
4269 - Heather Doherty (AU)
2744 - Clasina Van Der Veeken (NZ)
2501 - Tina Baarslag-Leb (AU)
2012 not contested 3128 - Ngawini Pepene (NZ)
2458 - Colleena Blair (NZ)
no third place
2010 not contested not contested
2008 3511 - Norm Windred (AU)
no second or third place
2756 - Shirley Brasher (AU)
no second or third place
2006 4220 - Feliks Jekabsons (AU)
no second or third place
2409 - Pam Spiers (NZ)
no second or third place
2004 not contested 4166 - Gwen Davidson (AU)
no second or third place
2002 3588 - Dave Scratton (NZ)
no second or third place
2218 - Rona Smith (NZ)
no second or third place
2000 3810 - Dave Scratton (NZ)
2797 - Ted Vickers (AU)
no third place
2505 - Rona Smith (NZ)
no second or third place
1998 not contested not contested
1996 2287 - Stanley Hogg (NZ)
no second or third place
not contested
1994 2963 - Stanley Hogg (NZ)
no second or third place
not contested
1992 not contested not contested
  M85 W85
CR 4074* - Dave Scratton (NZ) 2004 3561* - Ruth Frith (AU) 1996
[Old Javelin}
NZ Rec 3668 - Ron Johnson (2018) 2711 - Clasina van der Veeken (2018)
WLG Rec 2915 - Jim Blair (2019) no record
2019 2801 - Jim Blair (NZ)
no second or third place
2870 - Heather Doherty (AU)
no second or third place
2018 3245 - Ron Johnson (NZ)
2642 - Jim Blair (NZ)
no third place
2711 - Clasina van der Veeken (NZ)
no second or third place
2015 1842 - Hector Mein (NZ)
1821 - Rad Leovic (AU)
no third place
not contested
2014 not contested not contested
2012 2949 - Feliks Jekabsons (AU)
no second or third place
2374 - Pauline Purser (NZ)
2219 - Pam Spiers (NZ)
no third place
2010 not contested not contested
2008 not contested 3004 - Pauline Purser (NZ)
no second or third place
2006 4119 - Dave Scratton (NZ)
no second or third place
3124 - Rona Smith (NZ)
no second or third place
2004 4281 - Dave Scratton (NZ)
no second or third place
3240 - Rona Smith (NZ)
no second or third place
2002 not contested not contested
2000 not contested not contested
1998 not contested not contested
1996 not contested Old model javelin:
3561 - Ruth Frith (AU)

no second or third place
1994 not contested not contested
1992 not contested not contested
  M90 W90
CR no record 3461 - Ruth Frith (AU) 2002
NZ Rec 3435 - Jim Blair (2022) 2812 - Pauline Purser (2013)
WLG Rec 1982 - Peter Tearle (2018) no record
2019 not contested not contested
2018 not contested not contested
2015 not contested not contested
2014 not contested not contested
2012 not contested not contested
2010 not contested not contested
2008 not contested not contested
2006 not contested not contested
2004 not contested not contested
2002 not contested 4167 - Ruth Frith (AU)
no second or third place
2000 not contested not contested
1998 not contested not contested
1996 not contested not contested
1994 not contested not contested
1992 not contested not contested
  M95 W95
CR no record 3779 - Ruth Frith (AU) 2006
NZ Rec no record no record
WLG Rec no record no record
2019 not contested not contested
2018 not contested not contested
2015 not contested not contested
2014 not contested not contested
2012 not contested not contested
2010 not contested not contested
2008 not contested not contested
2006 not contested 6750 - Ruth Frith (AU)
no second or third place
2004 not contested 6292 - Ruth Frith (AU)
no second or third place
2002 not contested not contested
2000 not contested not contested
1998 not contested not contested
1996 not contested not contested
1994 not contested not contested
1992 not contested not contested
These lists will be completed if we can locate missing results.


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  Last Updated 30 May 2024